After almost 20 years of creating dark ambient music, photography, painting and graphic art, Häxär decided that it was time to return to the roots: In 2020 his long-time passion for Black Metal found a form of expression in ERNTE where he is the main songwriter, guitar player and responsible for recording and mixing. In Askahex (vocals, bass, violin) he found an appropriate and experienced co-musician. She played bass and violin in the all-girl Doom Band shEver (2003 – 2012, Svart Records / TotalRust Music) before she started as front woman in the Swiss Black/Doom Band Ashtar (since 2013, Eisenwald, Throne Records).
Both original and traditional at the same time, ERNTE captures real world hate and despise while calling back to a distant past with an invoking of old energies and spirits. In December 2023, ERNTE made their successful live debut, accompanied by two session musicians.
Followingtheband’sprevioustwoalbums,«Weltenzerstörer»(outonJune7th 2024) represents a further development of ERNTE’s earlier work, emphasizing its melodic and atmospheric elements while remaining true to its black metal origins.